Friday, March 19, 2010

Photographing the inside of your house

This is an image of my dining room. Design by Debi Forrestal. I used my Canon 5d mark 2 on a tripod with a wide angle lens (15mm). The 5d mark 2 has a full frame sensor, so it can record more area than a standard APS size sensor that most digital cameras have. No additional light sources were used.

This particular image is actually a combination of three different exposures. It's called HDR, or high dynamic range photography. My camera will allow me to set it up so that it will take three exposures in immediate succession, the first exposure is under exposed by 2 stops, the second exposure is spot on, and the third exposure is over exposed by two stops. Combine the three, tweak in photoshop, and presto! This is the result.

Check to see if your camera can do this. Also google HDR photography to check out other photographers work!

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